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8 Clever Ways to Introduce Food for Extremely Picky Eaters

Doctor, my daughter is an extremely picky eater. I try to prepare a variety of foods every day. I am very concerned about her intake, and her selective habits drive me nuts. Is there any strategy to introduce food for extremely picky eaters This is Susan’s concern whenever she visits the paediatrician.

It is not just Susan; mothers of every picky eater complain and worry about the health of their babies.

Basically, what is picky eating?

How do you label a kid as a picky eater?

Let’s check what experts have to say!

Picky eating is common among young children. It’s hard to define exactly, and there’s no clear way to identify it.

  • Some reasons for picky eating are:
  • Problems with feeding early on
  • Not introducing textured foods early enough
  • Pressure to eat
  • A child naturally being selective, especially if their parent is concerned.
food eater

Mommies are alway mommies. Feeding the most healthiest food in the world is our concern! Right ?

We worry about their limited diet and its consequences.

According to experts,Picky eating can lead to a limited diet, which might mean not getting enough nutrients like iron and zinc, often found in meat, fruits, and vegetables. Not eating enough fiber from fruits and veggies can lead to constipation in picky eaters. Some children with severe picky eating may have developmental issues.

Research shows that up to 59% of kids go through a phase where they’re really picky about what they eat. This usually happens most between the ages of 1 to 4, with a peak around age 2. It’s totally normal, though it can be super frustrating for us parents.

If you’re worried that your child’s picky eating is more extreme than what’s typical, it’s a good idea to chat with your pediatrician or a registered dietitian. They can offer guidance tailored to your child’s needs.

Six Possible Reasons that Lead to Developing an Extremely Picky Eater

Here are six possible reasons why children might become picky eaters:

If a child had challenges with feeding or eating early on, it could lead to aversions or preferences for certain textures or tastes.

Introducing solid foods too late during weaning can make children hesitant or resistant to trying new textures and consistencies.

If there’s too much pressure from parents or caregivers to finish meals or try certain foods, children may develop negative associations with eating and become picky.

Some children are naturally more selective about what they eat, which can be influenced by genetics or personality traits.

When parents worry excessively about their child’s eating habits, it can inadvertently reinforce picky eating behaviors or create mealtime stress.

If children aren’t exposed to a wide range of foods early in life, they may be less willing to try new foods later on.

Understanding these reasons can help parents and caregivers approach picky eating with patience and strategies that support positive eating behaviours over time.

No matter how many times the doctor says your child is healthy and there’s nothing to worry about their picky eating habits, we try several ways to encourage them to eat. For those mothers, we have compiled 6 proven ways to introduce food.

8 clever ways to introduce food for extremely picky eaters

Introduce a little at a time

Begin by offering a tiny portion of a new food alongside familiar foods your child already likes.So try to include veggies along with some pasta. if your child loves pasta.

Make Food Fun

Cut fruits and vegetables into fun shapes using cookie cutters or arrange them creatively on the plate. It will make them excited to try.

Get Creative with Cooking

Involve your child in cooking. For instance, if you’re making a pizza, let them choose and add their favourite toppings like mushrooms or bell peppers.

Serve Family Style

Place different dishes on the table and let your child serve themselves. They might feel more comfortable trying new foods when they have some control over what goes on their plate.

Mix and Match

Offer a variety of foods in small portions. You can create a mini buffet with options like cheese cubes, cherry tomatoes, and crackers. This way, they can pick and choose what they want to try.

Role Model Eating

Show enthusiasm for trying new foods yourself. For example, say, “Mmm, these green beans are delicious!” Your child may become more curious and willing to taste them too.

Stay Positive and Patient

Encourage your child to try new foods gently and positively. If they refuse at first, it’s okay. Keep offering without pressure, like saying, “You can try a little bite when you’re ready.”

Celebrate Small Victories

Praise your child when they try a new food, even if they don’t like it. For instance, say, “You did great trying that broccoli! Maybe next time you’ll find something new.Mamma is happy!”

These are simple strategies to introduce food for picky eaters. But, remember to be patient and make them comfortable while trying new foods and expanding their diet.

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