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20 Unnoticeable Symptoms of Excessive Screen Time in Toddlers 

Have you ever wondered what the symptoms of excessive screen time in toddlers are?

I have heard many parents worry about the dangers of too much screen time.

Because they are confused about how to distinguish between good and bad screen time.

Especially, if a toddler is less talkative or showing slow development in speech.

As a parent your worries increase. Does TV lead to speech therapy for toddlers? This question haunts you well.


Ok, keep your confusions away, in this guide you will get clarity about the symptoms of excessive screen time in toddlers.

Symptoms of Excessive Screen Time in Toddlers

Lack of attention

If your toddler is struggling to pay attention to a particular task, for example, if they are playing on the playmat but suddenly want to go out and seem restless, don’t ignore this symptom of excessive screen time. Consult a child psychologist if the symptoms persist for long.

Preference for TV

Does your little one prefer television rather than going outside or playing with toys? Sometimes, they might get upset or throw tantrums if you turn off the TV. So, tell them they are going to hurt their eyes. Don’t explain it with medical terms. Simply say it in a cute way and make them convinced.

Tantrums when TV is off

Whenever a guest arrives, you feel terrible about turning off the TV because your cutie pie  will ruin the peace inside the home. If you turn off the TV or limit their screen time, your tot might throw a tantrum, crying, yelling, or even hitting or kicking. It is a red flag of excessive screen time.

Sleep problems

Your baby has trouble falling asleep at night, and they often wake up during the night. This could be because they’re used to watching TV before bed, which makes it hard for them to relax and sleep.

Copying TV behavior

Your toddler repeats phrases or actions they’ve seen on TV, like pretending to be a character from their favorite show or saying lines from it repeatedly.It is cute to watch, but too much salt can ruin the broth. Watch it out !

Delayed speech

Your tot struggles to say new words or put sentences together, even though they’re old enough to do so. They might only say a few words or have trouble pronouncing certain sounds.

Lack of creativity

Your kid has a hard time coming up with their games or stories. Instead, they rely on TV shows for ideas and play out scenes they’ve seen on screen.So, minimise the screen time and let their creativity juice overflow.


Your baby is constantly moving around, even when they’re watching TV. They might fidget, squirm, or jump up and down while they watch.

Difficulty following instructions

When you ask your tot to do something simple, like picking up their toys or getting dressed, they struggle to understand or obey your instructions. Warning! Keep an eye on the symptoms of excessive screen time

Aggressive play

Your toddler shows aggression towards toys, pets, or other children, like hitting, biting, or throwing things. This behavior might be influenced by what they see on TV. Minimize the screen time, if they need medical assistance, don’t be reluctant to use it.

Poor social skills

Your tiny human has trouble interacting with other children, like not knowing how to share toys or take turns. They might prefer playing alone rather than with others.

Headaches or eye strain

Your tot complains of headaches or says their eyes hurt after watching TV for a while. They might rub their eyes or squint while watching. Don’t consider it as cooked-up story. Listen to it carefully.

Lack of interest in physical activities

Your kid would rather sit and watch TV than run around outside or play active games. They seem uninterested or reluctant to join in physical activities.

Weight gain

Your toddler is gaining weight at a faster rate than normal, possibly because they’re not getting enough exercise and spend a lot of time sitting and watching TV.Take them outside. Find out the amazing benefits of outdoor play.

Short attention span

Your baby quickly loses interest in activities or toys and moves on to something else within a few minutes. They have trouble focusing on one thing for too long.

Withdrawal symptoms

When it’s time to turn off the TV, your little one becomes upset, crying, whining, or pleading to watch more. They might even throw a tantrum because they don’t want to stop watching.

Confusion between fantasy and reality

Your kid talks about things they’ve seen on TV as if they’re real, or they might have trouble understanding that what happens on TV isn’t always true.

Mood swings

Your baby’s mood changes suddenly after watching TV, going from happy and excited to cranky or irritable.

Anxiety or fear

Your toddler seems scared or worried after watching something scary or intense on TV. They might have nightmares or talk about being afraid of certain characters or situations.

Dependence on TV

Your little one relies on TV to keep them entertained or calm, and they have trouble finding other activities to do on their own. They might ask for TV constantly or seem lost without it.

Thinking how to reduce the excessive screen time in toddlers

Here are the simple yet effective tips to mitigate the negative effects of screen time.

6 best ways to control screen time in toddlers 

Reducing screen time for toddlers can be achieved through simple yet effective strategies. Here are some tips:

Set Limits: Establish clear guidelines for screen time and stick to them. Limit the amount of time your toddler spends in front of screens each day.

Encourage Alternative Activities: Encourage your toddler to engage in alternative activities such as outdoor play, reading books, or playing with toys that stimulate creativity and imagination.

Be a Role Model: Lead by example by minimizing your own screen time when around your toddler. Show them the importance of being present and engaged in real-life interactions.

Create Screen-Free Zones: Designate certain areas in your home, such as the dinner table or bedroom, as screen-free zones to promote family bonding and healthy habits.

Provide Educational Content: When allowing screen time, opt for high-quality, educational content that is age-appropriate and interactive.

Offer Rewards: Motivate your toddler to limit screen time by offering rewards for engaging in other activities or following screen time rules.

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