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How to make toddlers sleep naturally with 11 healthy sleep habits?

Making your toddler sleep is one of the biggest struggles during motherhood. The tiny human throws chaos and you are struggling with bedtime battles or night wakings with your toddler,

But, don’t worry here are some tried and tested practices to make your toddler sleep naturally. Without beating around the bush, let’s go to the topic

11 Healthy sleeping habits for toddlers to practice daily 

Consistent bed time routine

First things first, let’s talk about bedtime routines. Develop a consistent bedtime routine. For example, Set a regular bedtime, and make it a calming ritual. Give them a warm bath or read a bedtime story or play some gentle music. Having s routine will give them a signal to wind down.

Find interesting bedtime stories for toddlers :

Limit screen time

We know how tempting it is to let your toddler watch their favorite shows. Before giving the phone, please remember screentime before bed can affect their sleep. Keep your phone away and do calming activities like reading a book or cuddling. It makes a world of difference.

Balance daytime activities

Toddlers are bundles of energy, right? Ensure they get enough physical activity during the day, but be mindful of when they play. Avoid stimulating activities close to bedtime. And don’t forget those all-important nap times – they’re crucial for a good night’s sleep.

Healthy Sleep Associations

Encourage self-soothing skills. It might be their favorite toy or a cozy blanket.Having a comforting item can help your toddler feel secure at bedtime. Gradually transition away from sleep aids like rocking or feeding.

Nutrition and Sleep

Watch out for what your little one eats, especially close to bedtime. A well-balanced diet contributes to better sleep. Limit caffeine and sugar intake, and make sure dinner is served with enough time to digest before sleep.

Recognizing Signs of Sleep Problems

Understanding your toddler’s sleep needs is vital. If you notice any signs of sleep disturbances or disorders, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. It’s always better to address any issues early on.

Parental Consistency and Involvement

Teamwork, parents! Be on the same page when it comes to bedtime routines and responses to night wakings. Providing emotional support during bedtime and being consistent in your approach makes a huge difference.

Transitioning from Crib to Bed

When it’s time to make the switch, do it gradually and make it a positive experience. Address any fears or anxieties your toddler might have about the transition. It’s a big step for them, and your support matters.

Dealing with Night Wakings

Night wakings are normal, but how you handle them can impact your toddler’s sleep habits. Practice patience and encourage self-soothing. Remember, this phase won’t last forever.

Addressing Sleep Regressions

We’ve all been through those sleep regression phases. Recognize them, stay calm, and provide extra comfort during these times. It’s just a phase, and you’ll get through it.

Best methods to create a sleep-friendly environment for toddlers.

Creating a sleep-friendly environment for toddlers is essential. It helps to ensure that they get enough rest. Many factors can impact the quality of sleep. The social and physical features of the environment. noise and light are some of the reasons. 

Toddler is having trouble sleeping, as they feel uncomfortable or overstimulated. To create an ideal sleep environment, We should check these things:

Dark Room

Ensure that the room is cool, dark, and quiet. Check for any issues that may cause discomfort. Avoid outdoor light coming in from the windows, and try using blackout curtains to block it out.


Temperature range for infants and children is 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit (20-22 Celsius). A cooler room temperature allows for deeper and less fragmented sleep. Block sounds from waking a child such as using soundproofing materials.

Artificial light

Artificial light at night can have a negative effect on sleep. Light increases alertness. It delays the production of the hormone melatonin, which signals when to sleep. It’s crucial to keep your children’s bedroom dark at night. If they need a night light on, make sure to choose that. Red/orange spectrum lights that are less disruptive to melatonin production.

Avoid Electronic Gadgets

Electronic gadgets can also be a major distraction for sleep. Keep them outside the bedroom where your child sleeps. Screens emit blue light. This can confuse the body into thinking it’s daytime instead of nighttime. This leads to less sleep and poorer sleep quality.

For older children, it’s important to ensure that the sleep environment is safe. Keep electrical outlets covered, and furniture attached to the walls. If your toddler is already climbing out of the crib, make sure they don’t have access to other rooms. It might be dangerous for them to explore during the night if they wake up.

Also read : 11 factors that sleep problems in toddlers

2 thoughts on “How to make toddlers sleep naturally with 11 healthy sleep habits?”

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